The first of many things I learned working in the unique and crazy world known as the hospitality industry is that it is comprised of quite an assortment of characters - in every sense of the word.
Today I bring you one of the very best. Matt works in food and beverage management - not only behind the scenes but also directly in front of every client and guest of the hotel restaurant and banquet department. The thought alone of dealing with this many people (not to mention the number of employees he manages as well) day in and day out at the level he does exhausts me.
He, however, not only goes above and beyond what is required, but does it with an energy and attitude that anyone in any industry would do well do learn from. Never without a joke or smile (or sarcastic comment), you will not walk away from this guy without feeling a little lighter, and what do you know - he's got a few words of advice as well.
profession: Food and beverage operations.
job ever: Movie theater concessions employee.
job: Is that a real thing? Nothing specific - just needs to have a
great work/life balance.
of advice for someone pursuing a similar career path: Take care of you,
and everything will be great.
Thus far, what has been your biggest career challenge? Advancing at the
same property.
is your favorite part about your job? The connections created between
co-workers and guests.
words to describe where you're at in life right now: In the middle.
What is the most valuable lesson you have learned throughout your 20s? It is OK
to be selfish from time to time.
you are 50, what do you want to be able to look back and say about your life
right now? That I made the right choices and have been successful in the
do you define success? $$$ and personal happiness.
the secret to your perpetual positive attitude? Life is too short to freak
out about everything. Let things go, swallow your pride, take a bullet for
someone else. The self-wealth is insurmountable.
has been your biggest influence, personally or professionally?
Surprisingly, Anthony Stewart-Moore (GM at my current place of work) and my father, Gary.
hobbies and activities do you enjoy in your spare time? Playing hockey, lacrosse, racquetball and just being active. Giving as much as I can to
help others.
What is number one on your bucket list? Go
to South Africa’s Wild Coast
Favorite ice cream flavor: Mint chocolate chip, although I am always
trying new flavors since you can pretty much make anything into ice cream. (Agreed)
Thank you, Matthew!