First job ever: The first job I was paid for was raking almonds on a farm in California's San Joaquin Valley.
First job after college/first "grown up" job: My first career was in nursing, so my first big-girl job was as a nurse.
Dream job: I do it every day. (Although, if I had the talent, I'd like to be a professional tennis superstar - even as an old lady.)
What advice would you give someone interested in pursuing the same profession? Don't become a college professor unless you really like guiding young people through what often seems like "duh, no kidding" life and skill basics. Cultivate presentation and people skills - not just research skills - so you can help students learn. And remember you're there for them, not for you.
What advice do you wish you could give your 25-year-old self, career-related or just in general? Take chances. Then take more chances. Go and see the largeness of the whole. Be bold. There are few truly "good" or "bad" decisions. Mostly, decisions just are.Trust that the universe unfolds as it should.
What hobbies and activities do you enjoy in your spare time?
Tennis, running alone (or with my daughter), learning a little about a lot of things.
What is number one on your bucket list?
A larger bucket.
Favorite ice cream flavor: Lemon sorbet. (It has sting in its tail, just as I do.)
Thank you, Kerry!
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